Funding opportunties

Check back here regularly for new funding opportunities. Please get in touch with us to discuss potential collaborations.

Bowel Research UK: Microbiome grant round [PhDs or Project Grants] 

Closing: 17:00, 30th September 2024 

Amount: Up to £120,000 

Proposals must focus on the following topics:

  • Links between the gut microbiome and the immune system and/or nutritional status in the development of bowel disease
  • The role of the gut microbiome in determining/influencing treatment responses
  • The gut microbiome as a biomarker of health and as a prognostic, diagnostic or predictive marker of bowel disease
  • Therapeutically modifying the microbiome to prevent or treat bowel conditions (e.g. FMT, IMT, probiotic, prebiotic or synbiotic therapy. This also includes synthetic biology)
  • The influence of the microbiome in under-represented clinical conditions of the gut e.g. functional conditions such as diarrhoea, constipation, and diverticular disease
  • Environmental/microbiome interactions and the causation of bowel disease (e.g. microplastics)

Click here for further information


Breast Cancer Now: Improving Public Health, Equity and Wellbeing

The Improving Public Health, Equity and Wellbeing scheme aims to support scientific excellence and innovative research addressing public health, physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and inequalities that are experienced in breast cancer.  Applications must clearly demonstrate how the research could lead to prevention, saving lives and helping people to live well with and beyond breast cancer, regardless of their background.

Opening: 5th June 2024

Closing: 5th September 2024

Click here for further information 


MRC – Molecular and Cellular Medicine Programme

Apply for funding to support a programme of research focused on molecular and cellular medicine.

There is no limit to the funding you can apply for. Applicants typically apply for £1 million or more. The programme will usually fund up to 80% of your project’s full economic cost.

Your programme can last up to 5 years.

This is an ongoing scheme. Application rounds close every January, May and September.

Click here for further information


NIHR Application Development Award for Health and Care Professionals – deadline 26th September 2024
NIHR NICE rolling call 
Public Health Research – 9th August 2024 
Efficacy and Mechanisms Evaluation – 20th August 2024 
Health Technology Assessment – 4th September 2024 

NIHR James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships rolling call

Public Health Research – 9th August 2024 

Efficacy and Mechanisms Evaluation – 20th August 2024 

Health Technology Assessment – 4th September 2024 

NIHR Research for Patient Benefit – deadline 6th November 2024 


NIHR Researcher-led

HS&DR – deadline 9th April 2024

EME – deadline 23rd April 2024

HTA – deadline 1st May 2024 



Hospital Saturday Fund 

For medically related charities, hospitals, hospices and medical clinics:
The Hospital Saturday Fund will consider giving grants towards medical capital projects, medical care or research and in support of medical training. The Hospital Saturday Fund will also consider grants for running costs.
The Hospital Saturday Fund has two grant categories:
– Standard grants of up to £2,000 or €3,000 OR
– Large grants to up to £10,000 or €13,500 (please note this is the maximum sum that HSF will grant).

Click here for further information